Milestones: Your Toddler at 18 Months
You have a walking, talking toddler on your hands now. Wondering what they are capable of?
We put together 18 month milestones found on the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC websites. Milestones are cues that your child’s development is on track. We also discuss delays you can look into for this age as well.
Social Skills
At 18 months old, your toddler will be aware that they are their own self, separate from others. They are becoming more and more independent, and will explore alone as long as a caregiver is close-by.
They will play pretend and imitate other people. They will get excited to be around other children, and hand toys over to play.
Toddlers may still be afraid of strangers, and feel quite attached to their caregivers in new situations. This is also the age that your child will throw temper tantrums when they are frustrated.
Language Skills
Your toddler will be able to say single words, and point to things they have an interest in. They can say and shake their head “no”.
Movement Skills
How magical was that moment your toddler took their first steps on their own? You’ll never forget it.
At 18 months old, your child will be walking without help, and can pick up toys as they are doing so. They may even be able to walk up steps and run. They can kick a ball, and will help you while you undress them. By this age, they can eat with utensils, and drink from a cup.
Cognitive Skills
Take peek-a-boo to a whole new level, your toddler will be able to find a toy hidden two to three levels deep. By 18 months, they can sort items by shape and color. They will know what day to day items are used for, like a brush, telephone, or sunglasses. Not only that, they may even use these items in play, like feeding a doll with a spoon.
They can point to body parts, and follow simple commands like “sit down” or “give dad the book”. Your toddler may be able to scribble on paper.
Delays to Look Out For
At 18 months old, your baby will continue to be screened for by your pediatrician general development, using standardized and validated tools. This is also when your child will be screened for autism. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC, here are delays to watch out for at this age:
- Can’t walk
- Doesn’t point to show things to others
- Doesn’t know what familiar things are for
- Doesn’t notice or mind when a caregiver leaves or returns
- Doesn’t copy others
- Doesn’t have at least six words, and hasn’t gain new words
- Loses skills they once had
If your toddler is showing signs of delay, your pediatrician will help you make a plan for therapy services and other needed support. We are here to support you! We have special needs services at all of our preschools. Our mission at Books and Rattles, Inc. is to help preschool-aged children at all developmental levels. We are here to help your child grow and thrive.