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Hello Parents and Caregivers,

What a fantastic school year! We cannot believe that our little ones are graduating this month. It has been a true joy and honor to watch your child grow and learn this past year. It is exciting to watch them step up into their next class.

We will have several virtual graduations at the end of June, so make sure to talk to your teacher about when your classroom graduation will occur.

A big congrats to all of our 2021 students. We are so proud of you!

June Theme: Transformation

This month we are learning about transformation. We will explore how things change over time. This will help our children prepare for upcoming transitions. We will be focusing on questions like, What changes around me? How can objects change? What kinds of change happen in nature? How will I continue to change and grow?

What’s Coming Up

June 3  – Staff Development, closed

June 25 –  Last day of school

Snack Time

Orange Juice Challenge

Provide fresh oranges and challenge your child to figure out how to turn the oranges into orange juice. Ask them to plan how they will turn the oranges into juice, including making a list of what they might need. Supply some of the materials they will need to accomplish this challenge. When children are ready to drink their orange juice, talk with them about making healthy food choices. 

Home Activity

Melt in the Sun 

Place a variety of items in a muffin tin or several small bowls or containers. Select some items that will melt when left in the sun and some that will not. Things that might melt in the sun include crayons, ice cubes, and marshmallows. Ask your child how long they think it would take for the items to melt. An hour? A day? Why?

Reading Corner

Read along with us. These are a few books that we will be enjoying as we learn about transformation.

Little Tree, by Loren Long

Joseph Had a Little Overcoat, by Simms Taback

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle

What Do You Do With an Idea?, by Kobi Yamada

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