Summer 2021
Hello Parents and Caregivers,
Summer is here, and we want to chat about breaking a tough habit: too much screen time.
With reduced screentime, your preschooler will be more active and get better sleep. The transition to less screen time can be done! Here are just a few tips to limit the screen time this summer:
Be A Good Example: You don’t have to deny yourself screen time altogether, but do limit scrolling on your phone and watching TV in front of your kids. Save your own screen time for during naps and when your child is in bed for the night.
Don’t Allow Screens in Your Kid’s Bedroom: Make your child’s bedroom a no-screen zone.
Plan Fun Activities Try to plan a few fun, screen-free activities every day. Head to the park, check out your community pool, and go for neighborhood walks. For those rainy days, try arts and crafts, baking, and age-appropriate science projects. Set a summer goal for how many books you will read together.
Make this a summer of activity, fun, family bonding, and your best summer yet!
July Theme: Summer
This month we are going to have a ton of fun learning about summer. We will be exploring seasonal changes, lakes, the ocean, and going to the beach. Our students will be discussing answers to questions like What types of weather changes do we experience in the summer? What activities can I do in the water? What kinds of animals live in the ocean? and Where can we find shells and sand?
What’s Coming Up
June 5 – closed in observance of Independence Day
Snack Time
Yogurt & Fruit Popsicles
Here’s a healthy and cold treat, perfect for hot summer days ahead. Layer chopped fruit and berries with your child’s favorite yogurt in a popsicle mold. You can use small paper cups, muffin tins, or small yogurt containers with popsicle sticks, straws, or plastic spoons. Freeze for 5- 8 hours or overnight.
Reading Corner
Read along with us. These are a few books that we will be enjoying as we learn about summer.
Summer by Alice Low
My Awesome Summer by Paul Meisel
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
The Brave Little Crab by Beth Costanzo
To the Beach By Linda Ashman