Weekend Activity for Special Needs Preschooler – Light Box

 In Activities, Special Needs Preschooler

We found a great DIY activity on The Imagination Tree that will keep any preschooler busy. This activity is especially helpful when trying to hold the attention of a child with special needs. And you likely have much of what you need around your home!

DIY Light Box

Supplies Needed:

  • 1 large clear storage bin
  • 2 strings of battery-powered holiday lights OR 3 tap night lights
  • Tracing paper
  • Tape
  • Pencils
  • Any object your child would like to trace!
  • Colorful and opaque objects, like cups, containers, and colored chips

Step 1: Put the lights in the box, place 1 to 3 traceable objects on top of lights, and secure the top. These can be toys, branches, or other items with interesting shapes around your home.  

Step 2: Tape tracing paper on top of the box, and show your child how to trace the silhouette of the objects.

Step 3: Your child will likely also like to play with all kinds of colorful opaque objects on top of the box.

As your child plays, they will learn science, math, and important motor and sensory skills. If you make this light box, be sure to take a picture and share it with us on Facebook.

Image taken from theimaginetree.com

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