Ready to Get Rid of the Pacifier?
It was a life-saver when your baby was an infant, but now it’s time to kick the pacifier habit. Your child will likely lose interest in their pacifier by age four. However, the American Dental Association warns that children who use pacifiers past age two are at risk to develop protruding teeth or crossbite. We put together a few tips for when you are ready to get rid of the pacifier.
We love getting rid of the pacifier cold turkey. If that works for you, more power to you! We do not suggest begging and pleading with your child, but do understand that a gradual approach may be a better fit for your family. If that is the case, try these steps.
Choose a ditch date
Whether it is a week from now or a month from now, choose a date that you will work toward removing pacifiers. Put it on the calendar, and be sure all of your child’s caregivers are aware and on board.
Get rid of the stockpile
Do you have pacifiers in every nook and cranny of your home? When you know the date you will say goodbye to pacifiers, start to get rid of all pacifiers except for one or two. The last thing you want is for a pacifier to suddenly appear weeks after you put in the work of weaning your child.
Limit where the binky lives
Over the course of the last few weeks or days before ditch day, limit the areas where the pacifier is allowed. Maybe at first the pacifier only stays at home. Then it’s only for the bedroom, and eventually only the crib.
Let your child know when it is happening
Three days out is a good time to talk to your child about what will be happening with the pacifier. Keep the conversation brief and clear: no more pacifier in three days, then two days, tomorrow, and then today. How you choose to have this conversation is up to you. Some families introduce the Pacifier Fairy, some trade in for a special toy, and some send the pacifiers off to a “new baby.”
Be firm
Expect a few rough days as your child separates from this comfort item they have likely had since birth. Be firm and patient, and your child will eventually get used to the pacifier-free life.
We wish you luck as your child parts with the pacifier. Do you have tips on binky weaning? Let us know in the comments!