Hello Parents and Caregivers,
A big welcome to a new school year!
We are very excited to kick off another season of learning and fun. This month, your child may be adjusting to a new classroom, classmates, and teachers. What an exciting time! During the first weeks of school, your child’s emotions can range from excitement and confidence to anxiety and confusion. We will be focusing on the following themes to help your child transition into their classroom successfully:
I am an important member of my classroom community—my thoughts, needs, ideas, and abilities matter.
My family, teachers, and other children make up my classroom community—their backgrounds, thoughts, needs, ideas, and abilities matter.
The teachers and other adults at my program keep me safe, care about me and support my learning.
In my classroom, I use materials carefully and make choices about where I work and play.
Classroom rules and routines help me learn and stay safe.
My classroom and program are safe places where I learn, play, and have fun.
September Theme: Welcome
This month we are welcoming our students into a new school year! Our students will be discussing answers to questions like What will I learn and do in class? What do I bring to my classroom community? Who are the people in my classroom community? Who else is in my class?
What’s Coming Up
September 16 – Yom Kippur (school closed)
Snack Time
Ice Cube Tray Buffet
Are you having trouble getting your little one to eat? Try mixing it up! Use a clean icecube tray, and fill it with a range of healthy and colorful things to eat. Include a variety of fruit, vegetable, protein, and grain options. This will give your child more options and a fun way to eat a meal.
Here are some ideas of foods to put in the ice cube tray:
- apples
- avocado
- blueberries
- cereal
- cheese crackers
- cheese cubes
- graham crackers
- nuts
- olives
- pepperoni
- popcorn
- pretzels
- raisins
- steamed broccoli
- steamed carrots
- strawberries
- tomatoes
- whole-grain bread cubes
Reading Corner
Read along with us. These are a few books that we will be enjoying as we learn about the new school year.
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
On Monday When It Rained by Cherryl Kachenmeister
Chu’s First Day At School by Neil Gaiman
I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont
ABC School’s for Me! by Susan Katz